Game of the Year

To be nominated for Game of the Year voting, a game must have been published since September 2022. Only original games are considered; new editions and expansions are not eligible. Ten games have been nominated and will be demonstrated. The demo schedule is:

10:00 BOOP (Dan Hoffman)

10:45 ABDUCKTION (Michelle Hymowitz)

11:30 EARTH (Christy Applegate)
DARWIN’S JOURNEY (Perrianne Lurie)

1:00 HEGEMONY (Mark Paulette)
BOOKS OF TIME (Ann Rudolph)

2:30 FLAMECRAFT (Eric Hymowitz)
HOLOTYPE (Perrianne Lurie)

4:00 DISTILLED (Julianna Lin)

All persons who attend NGE will have an opportunity to fill out a preference ranking of these games. The preference rankings will be used to determine the GCOM Game of the Year for 2023.

Persons who fill out a ranking will be enrolled in a prize drawing to be held in the evening of NGE. Prizes will be gift certificates provided by Canton Games of Baltimore. First prize will be a gift certificate for a copy of the 2023 Game of the Year.

In addition to the listed games, GCOM will have a selection of our game library available for open gaming. Participants are also welcome to bring their own games to play.

Any questions about Game of the Year Voting should be addressed to Bob Oliver, GCOM Vice President and Game of the Year Coordinator: